March 20, 2025 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Speaker Series: Wilkes University Research Team

“Investigating the Food Web at Lehigh Gap”

Description: Join us in person at Lehigh Gap Nature Center for a Speaker Series presentation from Jeff Stratford and Ned Fetcher from Wilkes University. In this month’s program “Investigating the Food Web at Lehigh Gap” Jeff and Ned will be discussing research that has taken place here at the Gap – Over ten years ago, a team of faculty and students from Wilkes University used stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen to investigate the food web of the restored grassland at LGNC. They showed that both warm season grasses and herbaceous plants contributed to the food web along with a smaller but significant contribution from the detritus. Since that time, the vegetation at LGNC has changed, with more woody plants colonizing the site. How have these changes affected the larger ecosystem? In the summer of 2024, the Wilkes University team returned to the site and repeated the study. What changes have occurred? This talk will discuss the major findings and some of the surprises they found.

Registration: Please register through Zeffy at this link

Fee: LGNC members: FREE | Non-members: Suggested donation of $5 per person

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Questions? Contact us at mail@lgnc.org or 610-760-8889.