March 23, 2023 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Speaker Series: Terry Master, Ph.D.

“Streams and Cricks, Home to Songbirds and their Chicks” — Terry Master, Ph.D.

Description: Join us in person at LGNC for a Speaker Series presentation by biologist Dr. Terry Master! This presentation will feature a worldwide survey of stream-dependent songbirds and explain what they can tell us about their environment. Dr. Master is a retired East Stroudsburg University Professor of Biology and a member of the LGNC board.

Registration: Please register through EventBrite at this link

Fee: LGNC members: FREE | Non-members: Suggested donation of $5 per person

To become a member, please visit our Square store at this link!

Questions? Contact us at mail@lgnc.org or 610-760-8889.