November 21, 2024 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Speaker Series: Karen Campbell, Naturalist and Photographer

“Discovering Our Garden Pollinators” — Karen Campbell

Description: Join us in person at Lehigh Gap Nature Center for a Speaker Series presentation from certified pollinator steward and macro photographer Karen Campbell. Join us for an exciting photographic journey to discover the pollinators inhabiting your yard, gardens and wild places! We’ll discover what pollination is from the flowering plants’ perspective, who their pollinators are, and why insects service our plants. With her stunning macro photographs, we’ll be able to see these pollinators in action. Karen will inspire you to take a closer look at your flowers to “discover” their pollinators, that are more than just bees!

Registration: Please register through Zeffy at this link

Fee: LGNC members: FREE | Non-members: Suggested donation of $5 per person

To become a member, please visit our Square store at this link!

Questions? Contact us at mail@lgnc.org or 610-760-8889.

Learn more about Karen:
Karen Campbell is a naturalist and award-winning macro photographer whose subjects are native plants and wildlife interactions in our yards and local natural spaces. Her goal is to bring awareness of our amazing nature to encourage people to preserve and restore our natural habitats. Most of Karen’s images are taken on her property in Lehigh County, PA, where she and her husband Gary, a horticulturist specializing in natural landscape design, have transformed an old corn field to a native plant preserve. Karen is a virtual photography instructor through the MN Arboretum, a Certified Pollinator Steward through Pollinator Partnerships, and is currently working on completion of the PA Master Naturalist program. You can see her work on FocusOnNatives.com where she writes photo blogs, or follow her posts on Instagram @KarenInNature.