April 2, 2019 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Very Basic Biology Classes

Do you wish you had taken biology in high school so you could keep up with the news? Didn’t have the time because you were in band, didn’t need it as you were not going to college, or hated science? Well now you have the opportunity to learn a bit in Very Basic Biology. Guaranteed no quizzes, no exams, no grades, but there might be some homework. Dr. Anita Collins, retired USDA bee geneticist, will be sharing her love of biology this fall and winter, starting Tuesday, Nov. 13, 10-noon and meeting every other week. Topics to include: The Cell and its Organization, Genetics and DNA, Ecology, Microbiology, Behavior, and other topics of interest chosen by participants.

Class limited to 20 participants. Click here to register: http://bit.ly/LGNC_Biology_Classes.